Sunday, July 24, 2016

Menus Reveal What The Different Passenger Classes Ate On The Titanic [feedly]

Menus Reveal What The Different Passenger Classes Ate On The Titanic
// Neatorama

People naturally have a morbid curiosity about the Titanic disaster, wondering about every little detail of that fateful April night in 1912, and slowly but surely virtually every detail has been revealed since.

As you may be aware there were three classes of passengers on board, and each class was treated quite differently during the voyage, but how differently is best illustrated by the three different class menus.

The First Class menu is suitably posh and pretentious, with consomme fermier instead of rice soup, egg a l'argenteuil instead of ham & eggs, and Camembert and Stilton instead of "cheese". 

And then there are the poor Third Class passengers who are stuck eating gruel, "cabin biscuits" (a name that somehow sounds hard and tasteless), and plain old boiled potatoes.

First class or third class, they were all equal in the end...

-Via CountryLiving


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