Thursday, October 8, 2015

Congressional Democrats, Hillary Clinton vow laws to weaken 2nd Amendment ‘absolutism’ [feedly]

Congressional Democrats, Hillary Clinton vow laws to weaken 2nd Amendment 'absolutism'
// Personal Liberty Digest™

A group of House Democrats on Thursday introduced a resolution to form a congressional committee dedicated to studying incidents of gun violence in the U.S.

Led by California Reps. Nancy Pelosi and Mike Thompson, House Democrats are saying gun violence in the U.S. deserves the same level of congressional attention as issues like the Benghazi attack and Planned Parenthood scandal have received from Republicans.

"This House Majority has created committees to bully Planned Parenthood and harass a presidential candidate, all the while allowing mass gun violence to go unchecked and unexamined on their watch," Thompson said in a statement. "There have been nearly 280 mass shootings since Newtown and Congress has done nothing. No votes have been cast. No bills have been debated. No proposals have even been considered. This Select Committee can change that."

Under the resolution, a 12-member bipartisan panel divided equally among Republicans and Democrats will be formed to investigate gun violence. The panel will focus specially on mass shootings. Panel members will also examine possible flaws in the nation's current gun background-check system and links between state gun laws and firearm violence.

Democrats in the Senate, meanwhile, are making their own renewed push for gun control legislation with a package of bills to expand background checks and laws that disallow certain people to purchase firearms legally.

On Wednesday, Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton said the National Rifle Association's "absolutist" stance on gun rights makes the group more unreasonable than "the Iranians and communists."

"The NRA tries to keep gun owners — the ones who are members — really upset all the time so they can keep collecting their money, because they tell them they're the only thing that's going to stop the black helicopters from landing in the front yard and people's guns being seized," she said. "That's the argument they make. And it works with some people, and it has turned a lot of people into absolutists themselves."

Clinton made the anti-NRA remarks in calling for gun owners willing to accept a weaker 2nd Amendment in the name of safety to organize.

"The real answer to this, is for gun owners to form a different organization that supports the 2nd Amendment, supports their rights to own guns, use guns, go hunting, goes target shooting, but stands against the absolutism of the NRA," Clinton said.

"You know, the NRA's position reminds me of negotiating with the Iranians or the communists," she added.

If elected, Clinton is vowing to implement rules that would require background checks for virtually all gun sales or transfers via executive order.

The post Congressional Democrats, Hillary Clinton vow laws to weaken 2nd Amendment 'absolutism' appeared first on Personal Liberty®.


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