Friday, September 23, 2016

Why you should always carry a gun [feedly]

Why you should always carry a gun
// Personal Liberty Digest™

People often ask why I'm such a staunch advocate for gun rights, why I believe so strongly in the 2nd Amendment, and why I close my preparedness articles with the words, "store ammo and guns." There are many answers, but one need only look at the video below from Charlotte, North Carolina for an emphatic, dramatic and traumatic one.

The riots in Charlotte show what a societal breakdown looks like… especially in urban centers. Looting, gangs, large mobs and traffic jams put innocent people in dangerous situations. Without warning, individuals and families can easily and all-to-quickly find themselves surrounded and in a dangerous spot. A gun is an equalizer.

So I urge you, dear reader, to buy a gun, get trained in its use, and practice, practice, practice. Have a spare magazine handy for situations like this one. Don't be a helpless victim.

The post Why you should always carry a gun appeared first on Personal Liberty®.


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