Friday, November 4, 2016

Video: Elect Clinton to hand over the keys to the nation [feedly]

Video: Elect Clinton to hand over the keys to the nation
// Personal Liberty Digest™

A political action group working to sour millennials on Democrat Hillary Clinton has released a video reminding voters that all of the money the Clintons have taken from foreign donors over the years will dictate how the nation is run if she is elected.

The video, out from the Future45 Super PAC, suggests that Clinton's message to foreign donors has been clear: "Pay my foundation for the keys to the nation."

"Money, money, money, you keep it gushin.' Don't care if you're Arab, Wall Street or Russian," a rapper sings as an actress portraying Clinton dances to the track.

"She's got a number in her cranium and you're going to get your uranium," another line goes.

In another video the PAC highlights news reports the Clinton campaign would probably rather voters forget:


Hillary Clinton, what a mess

Clinton Foundation got millions from Saudi government

 Hillary's 'fire sale' on White House access


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