Wednesday, June 15, 2016

BPA-free plastics still not safe [feedly]

BPA-free plastics still not safe
// Personal Liberty Digest™

By now you've probably heard of bisphenol-A (BPA), the chemical added to plastics to make them soft. I have written about it before here, here and here. Many manufacturers are going "BPA-free" to make you think their products are safe. But they are still using bisphenol. They're just using a different form.

They're using the "s" form (bisphenol-S), which is still dangerous.

BPS has already been found to cause abnormal brain changes in zebra fish, which share 80 percent of their DNA with humans. Now, new UCLA research shows BPS speeds up embryonic development and disrupts the reproductive system. BPS altered the animals' physiology at the embryonic stage in as quickly as 25 hours.

The other horrifying discovery by the UCLA team is that both bisphenols act partly through fooling estrogen receptors, but also partly through a thyroid hormone system to exert their effects.

To offset these chemicals, use a little bit of clove oil each day. The compound called eugenol helps keep your body from absorbing these chemicals.

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