Friday, August 23, 2013

Kentucky Theater Owner Won’t Show ‘The Butler’ With Jane Fonda

Kentucky Theater Owner Won't Show 'The Butler' With Jane Fonda

ELIZABETHTOWN, Ky., (UPI) –  A Kentucky movie theater owner who trained pilots during the Vietnam War says he will not show "The Butler" because Jane Fonda plays Nancy Reagan.

Ike Boutwell owns the two movie theaters in Hardin County. He said Thursday he considers Fonda a traitor for her anti-war activities and especially her 1972 visit to Hanoi, WDRB-TV, Louisville, reports.

"Jane Fonda in my opinion is a treasonist person," Boutwell said. "Jane Fonda had a wonderful opportunity to show the world how horrible our prisoners were being treated, yet she decided to call them baby killers and support our enemy."

"The Butler" stars Forest Whitaker as a longtime White House butler with Oprah Winfrey as his wife and a bevy of well-known actors as various presidents and their wives. Fonda is paired with Alan Rickman, best-known as Professor Snape in the Harry Potter movies, who plays Ronald Reagan.

Boutwell said the response was generally positive in 2005 when he refused to show Fonda's "Monster-in-Law." He is even angrier about "The Butler" because of Fonda's part.

"That is a slap in the face," Boutwell said. "For a treasonous person to play a patriotic person, it is just terrible."

Boutwell served in the Korean War and trained pilots in Vietnam.

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