This site consists of gleanings from the Web and e-mails that I receive that you might find entertaining to look at if you have nothing else to do.
Monday, November 30, 2015
(NATION) Suspected burglar dies after getting stuck in chimney - The Cullman Times: News
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Friday, November 27, 2015
Thursday, November 26, 2015
German Engineering Tested in the Most German Way Possible [feedly]
German Engineering Tested in the Most German Way Possible
// Neatorama
The Germans are rightfully known for their masterful engineering capabilities. This 1986 video by the national army demonstrates this. It's in German, but you can follow what's going on even without a knowledge of the language.
The soldiers are deeply concerned that they will spill their beer while going into battle against Soviet invaders. Therefore, engineers developed gun mount stabilizers that are capable of holding glasses of beer perfectly still, even while traversing rough terrain. Panzer vor!
-via Twisted Sifter and Peta Pixel
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Wednesday, November 25, 2015
If you owe the IRS, Congress wants to confiscate your passport [ well I guess most of the members of the Senate and Congress will be staying home for awhile.]
If you owe the IRS, Congress wants to confiscate your passport
// Personal Liberty Digest™
The GOP-led Congress wants to hand the IRS the keys to your freedom.
The highway funding bill now making its way past lawmakers includes a provision that would allow the government to yank your passport if you owe the IRS more than $50,000.
As part of the 864-page H.R. 22, the Transportation Funding Act of 2015, the House Ways and Means Committee has inserted language that, if left intact, will allow the State Department to deny or revoke the passports of "seriously delinquent" taxpayers.
That means that, should you find yourself in litigation with the IRS over a big, disputed tax bill, you could be banned from leaving the country. Worse, because those who work overseas are subject to U.S. taxes on everything they earn, a revoked passport could fundamentally trap them in a very, very small world.
"This provision creates a tax-collection mechanism that is frankly far too draconian," the American Citizens Abroad (ACA) nonprofit wrote to lawmakers earlier this month.
The law "puts disproportionate pressure on the taxpayer and risks mistakes and unforeseeable consequences, which would be life-changing for the individual. It discriminates against Americans abroad who, unlike Americans living in the U.S., are overwhelmingly reliant upon their U.S. passports in their everyday lives."
The measure appears to be a blind stab at raising revenue.
"You may wonder what past-due taxes and passports have to do with funding transportation infrastructure," CNN Money's Jeanne Sahadi writes. "The answer is pretty much nothing, except that the measure is estimated to raise nearly $400 million over a decade."
The language would target those who have had a tax lien placed against them by the IRS and would take effect on Jan. 1 of 2016. The ACA is asking lawmakers to withhold the passport language from H.R. 22 until they have held hearings.
This is not the first time Congress has attempted to link passports with taxes, and it's an idea that apparently appeals to lawmakers from either party. Although the GOP-controlled Congress would squarely be to blame if the current language becomes a part of the law, a 2012 highway funding bill sponsored by Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) sought the same power. The passport-taxes link in that bill was struck before Congress approved the funding package.
"A $50,000 tax debt is easy to amass today," Rob W. Wood wrote for Forbes in February. "In addition, tax liens are pretty standard. The IRS files tax liens routinely when you owe taxes. It's the IRS way of putting creditors on notice so the IRS eventually gets paid. In that sense, the you-can't-travel idea seems extreme. Some commentators noted that a far smaller sum of unpaid child support can trigger similar passport action. Others attack the proposal as potentially unconstitutional."
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Sunday, November 22, 2015
Does Apple deliberately slow its old iPhones before a new release? | Daily Mail Online
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Friday, November 20, 2015
Obama, ISIS and you [feedly]
Obama, ISIS and you
// Personal Liberty Digest™
Last Thursday, President Barack Obama fixed a global audience with either grim determination or intestinal discomfort and declared the islamofascist terrorist cabal known as ISIS had been "contained." The announcement put him at odds with ISIS itself, which replied to Obama's profession of progress by launching the worst attack on the city of Paris since the Nazis marched down the Champs-Élysées.
The complete annihilation of a man's greatest foreign policy "achievement" at the hands of a group that he has repeatedly dismissed as "jayvee" might drive an ordinary man to at least re-evaluate his goals, if not his rhetoric. But our man Barry put "ordinary" in the rearview mirror somewhere between Bill Ayers' living room and the back nine at Congressional Country Club. Obama responded to the blood-soaked repudiation of virtually every statement he has ever made about ISIS by bringing down the rhetorical hammer — on you.
Much as he has loudly blamed the wave of violent crime that has gripped Democrat-owned American cities on white people who own firearms and/or "racism," Obama blames ISIS's refusal to abide by his commands on you, you bigoted xenophobe. Actually, he claimed during an event in the Philippines that growing resistance to his program to fill American cities with unvetted Syrian "refugees" is the real cause of all this ISIS misbehavior.
"I cannot think of a more potent recruitment tool for ISIL than some of the rhetoric that's coming out of here during the course of this debate," Obama said.
See, you racist "islamophobe?" If we would simply throw open our doors to every Tariq, Daesh and Hassan, then the whole world would instantly transform into one happy halal party. And who could argue with him? Certainly not the people of Paris, who … nevermind.
In fact, Obama doesn't even want to discuss the fact that his obituary for ISIS was as premature as any of the promises he made about Obamacare. He has moved on to more pressing matters, such as acting like a spoiled 9-year-old. During a press conference with President Benigno Aquino III, Obama responded to millions of Americans' concerns over the immediate influx of dozens, if not hundreds, of thousands of the same people who produced the masterminds of the Paris attacks by mocking them:
Apparently, they're scared of widows and orphans coming into the United States of America as part of our tradition of compassion. First, they were worried about the press being too tough on them during debates. Now they're worried about 3-year-old orphans. That doesn't sound very tough to me.
Take that, you conservative pansies! So what if somewhere in the neighborhood of 75 percent of the "refugees" who are making Europe such a hoedown are neither grief-stricken widows nor Arabic Tiny Tim Cratchits, but men between the ages of jihadi and jihadi? What's important is that Republicans are big ol' meanies who hate women and children almost as much as Planned Parenthood hates giving up that sweet dead baby parts swag. And quit picking on the CNBC kids, you bullies!
And don't think Obama's letting you get away with denying anyone the chance to take up residence in the cozy confines of the nation ISIS has sworn to burn to the ground. Wednesday afternoon, Obama promised to veto Republican-sponsored legislation that would add an FBI background check to the entry requirements for Syrian refugees. While the bill would neither halt immigration nor even impose any religious requirements, Obama called the measures "unnecessary and impractical." And God Allah knows that anyone who would willingly attack his own citizens with IRS goons is an expert on unnecessary and impractical. If you need further proof, ask refugee Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.
In what has become a wearily familiar pattern for Obama's seven-year foreign policy face-plant, ISIS took less than 24 hours to debunk Obama's pronunciations. Even as we learned that one of the suicide bombers in Wednesday's raid in Saint-Denis, France, was one of the "widows" about whom Obama is so worried, ISIS supporters were stabbing a schoolteacher in Marseilles. Within hours of Obama's juvenile dig at Americans, ISIS released a new video, this one promising attacks on Times Square. As Obama accused Americans of child abuse, footage surfaced of ISIS training kiddies in the fine art of waging jihad against the crusader infidels.
Of course, Obama's minions have slavishly fallen in line behind their dear leader. Secretary of State John Kerry, whose haplessness has generally been relegated to a supporting role in the Obama circus, declared on Tuesday that the islamofascists who lit up the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris had a "rationale" for their barbarism. Kerry tried to draw a distinction between the animals who murder people over pictures of their "prophet" and animals who murder people over general refusal to worship their prophet. I know I'm always humbled when the guy who married Sen. John Heinz's widow reminds me to see things from the islamofascist point of view.
Meanwhile, sheep have been bleating from farther back in the herd. The left has resurrected the rubric that blames islamofascism on President George W. Bush and the war in Iraq. In doing so, they've managed to sidestep at least a half-century filled with fun guys from like Abu Nidal, Yasser Arafat and Ayatollah Khomeini. But that's only when they're not parroting the claim that ISIS is somehow the bastard child of so-called "global warming" — and you.
–Ben Crystal
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This bill could change the Fed forever [feedly]
This bill could change the Fed forever
// Personal Liberty Digest™
Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen isn't very happy about a bill that gained approval in the House Thursday. That's mainly because the legislation would force the central bank to open its books to the Government Accountability Office for a one-time audit.
The bill, authored by Rep. Bill Huizenga (R-Mich.), is aimed at changing the way the Fed operates and making U.S. monetary policy more predictable via transparency. It passed on a 241-185 vote that fell largely along party lines.
Huizenga and supporters of his legislation argue that the bill "will help consumers and investors make better decisions in the present and create more sound expectations about the future" by creating a set of clear rules for Fed officials.
If it became law, the legislation would limit Fed power by requiring the central bank to adopt a clear mathematical rule to determine its benchmark for interest rates. That would eliminate the kind of market uncertainty that Americans are currently dealing with because investors have no idea when the central bank plans to hike rates after years of quantitative easing.
The bill also includes a plan to curb the Fed's emergency lending powers. That would make it much harder for central bankers to engage in corporate cronyism such as when they propped up struggling financial institutions during the last economic crisis.
Lastly, Huizenga's bill would hold Fed officials to account for their past and future financial decisions. Within a year of the bill's enactment, the Fed would be required to allow the Government Accountability Office to conduct a full audit of its monetary policy. And going forward, Fed officials would be required to conduct a cost-benefit analysis before creating new financial rules.
House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) said the bill is long past due.
"The Fed is not using a transparent monetary policy. And so because of this, greater transparency, greater accountability is necessary. Otherwise, we may soon awake to discover that our central bankers have morphed into our central planners," he said.
Meanwhile, the usual suspects are claiming Fed accountability would hurt the economy.
"The bill would severely impair the Federal Reserve's ability to carry out its congressional mandate and would be a grave mistake, detrimental to the economy and the American people," Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen wrote in a letter to lawmakers.
President Barack Obama has threatened to veto any legislation that would make the central bank more transparent.
"The Federal Reserve is an independent entity designed to be free from political pressures, and its independence is key to its credibility and its ability to act in the long-term interest of the Nation's economic health," his administration said.
Note from the Editor: Urgent expose' reveals how a model citizen with top secret government clearance was arrested and jailed for exercising his First Amendment rights… In 1977, a book was published that was so controversial before the ink was even dry the U.S. Secret Service wanted to talk to the author.Click here to read it now!
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Thursday, November 19, 2015
Fwd: damn mooslims.
Perhaps this is one of the reasons so many are opposing the admission of Syrian refugees
Minnesota Muslims Demand Pork-Free Halal Food From Minnesota Welfare Food Bank
Above: Somali "refugees" on lifetime welfare demand their free food adhere to Islamic Law
by Jason DeWitt
Whoever said "beggars can't be choosers" never met Somali Muslim refugees in Minnesota.
These Muslim imports in Minneapolis are now demanding a tax-funded "halal" non-pork food shelf at a free food pantry for the poor.
As if it's not bad enough that nearly all the "American" Muslims who have joined ISIS have been Somalis from Minneapolis, their relatives here are demanding that Americans adhere to the same Sharia Laws the Islamic State fighters are trying to impose throughout the Middle East.
A group of first-generation Somali Americans says they need help in developing a food shelf that specializes in healthy foods that do not contain pork or pork byproducts. "It's about human rights also, basic human rights to get the proper food and also healthy food," said Imam Hassan Mohamud.
"Human rights"? Seriously? Their arrogance and self-entitlement has to be unprecedented for a group on the public dole.
Tens of thousands of Somalis settled in Minneapolis/St. Paul after Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and later Barack Obama imported them and funded massive "refugee" centers there. Welfare, schools, hospitals and social services have been crushed by the burden of immigrants who lack the most basic skills to live in a modern society.
This is hardly the first demands Somalis have made on the good people of Minneapolis. When the influx of Somali thugs naturally resulted in a massive increase in crime a decade ago, Somalis demanded a $48 million Sharia-compliant "youth center" to keep Somali gangs "out of trouble."
We have read for several years now how Muslim cab drivers in Minneapolis and several airports have kicked out blind passengers with guide dogs (dogs are "unclean" in Islam), or customers transporting alcohol. They came here, taking advantage of American generosity, and returned it by enforcing their own brand of Sharia Law upon us.
Liberals in Minnesota have bent over backwards for them, setting up foot-washing basins in their airport and even at a university, in response to their demands.
But as with most appeasement, these refugees keep making more demands. Now it is for "halal" products (meat slaughtered with Islamic prayers and a ban on pork).
The Imam leading this protest actually claimed that there were beans with pork in it and this was a "literacy" issue that required more government funding and special halal-compliant beans. But one commenter on the article from Minneapolis wrote:
As someone who made use of the foodshelf recently, I can tell you that most of the food doesn't contain pork. I hear what they are saying about a literacy issue, but can't the food shelf people just point out the cans of pork and beans? Besides, the food shelf is based on donations!
This is not about Muslims "making do" or getting help on what to eat. The Koran demands that Muslim make any country they live in adapt to them and Sharia Law. The last thing they plan to do is assimilate.
One blogger added:
How long until they demand separate entrances to the food pantry for men and women and separate entrances for Muslims who don't want to see any Christmas or holiday food or decorations?
The state of Maine has also been crushed by Somalis that Obama has forced upon them. The Governor of Maine, Paul LePage has valiantly been trying to cut off cash aid to Somalis– nearly all of whom are on welfare – since Obama has purposely dumped thousands of them in Lewiston and Portland.
America got Black Hawk Down and 18 dead Americans. Somalis got 90,000+ "asylum" slots in America, free housing, Sharia-compliant facilities, and a lifetime of welfare. How do you say "chumps" in Somali?
Each refugee already has access to the following:
Temporary assistance for Needy Families
Medicaid Food Stamps
Supplemental "Security" Income
Social Security Disability Insurance
Administrative Developmental Disabilities (ADD)
Child Care and Development Fund
Independent Living Program
Low Income Housing Energy Assistance
Post secondary Education Grants
Refugee Assistance Program
Title IV Foster Care
Title XX Social Services Block Grant Fund
And from our lovely State Department...$2200 per month for every man, woman and child.
How much is the SSI check you receive every month......the SSI fund you paid INTO all of your working life?
Disturbing Muslim 'Refugee' Video ----Pay particular attention to what is said from 4:00 to 4:21
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Monday, November 16, 2015
The Feds are making a fortune stealing private property [feedly]
The Feds are making a fortune stealing private property
// Personal Liberty Digest™
A new report out from the Institute for Justice reveals that the amount of money the federal government is raking in by seizing cash, cars and homes from Americans is rising dramatically.
In the second edition of its "Policing for Profit" report, the institute estimates that the Department of Justice seized $4.5 billion worth of Americans' personal property in 2014 through civil forfeiture.
Civil forfeiture allows the government to take cash, cars, homes and other property from people without ever convicting or even charging them with a crime. Often, victims of this government theft never see their belongings again.
Just 13 percent of the forfeitures that occurred between 1997 and 2013 were the result of direct knowledge that the property was used to commit a crime. The other 87 percent of forfeitures occurred under law enforcement's mere suspicion that the property was tied to a crime.
"Every year, police and prosecutors across the United States take hundreds of millions of dollars in cash, cars, homes and other property — regardless of the owners' guilt or innocence," the institute noted.
And it isn't just the police who are seizing property.
Consider this story from the report:
Lyndon McLellan runs a convenience store in Fairmont, N.C., and has done so without incident for more than a decade. All that changed in 2014, when the Internal Revenue Service used civil forfeiture to seize McLellan's entire $107,000 bank account. He did not stand accused of selling drugs or even of cheating on his taxes; in fact, he was not charged with any crime at all. Rather, the IRS claimed that he had been "structuring" his deposits — that is, breaking them into amounts of less than $10,000 to evade federal reporting requirements for large transactions. McLellan, like most people, did not even know what "structuring" was, let alone that it was illegal. His niece, who handles the deposits, had been advised by a bank teller that smaller deposits meant less paperwork for the bank, so she kept deposits small.
The government finally returned McLellan's funds after a legal battle and public outcry, but the small-business owner was still forced to foot hefty legal bills resulting from the incident.
There are hundreds of other stories like this from all over the country because the government has incentivized policing for profit at all levels of law enforcement and bureaucracy over the past couple decades.
In 1986, DOJ officials confiscated about $93.7 million worth of property through civil forfeiture laws. Last year, that number jumped to $4.5 billion, a 4,667 percent increase in just under 30 years.
Read the Institute for Justice's full report:
More information about civil forfeiture from Personal Liberty®:
"Police power is the foundation of the state""Maryland farmer fights to get back money the IRS stole through forfeiture""Christmas classic re-imagined: 'Twas the Night Raid Before Christmas""AG Holder moves against civil forfeitures""Another civil forfeiture horror story""House bill could curb IRS practice of seizing assets without probable cause""IRS seizes rural convenience store owner's career savings in another horrible abuse of civil forfeiture""Sorry, but the police can still steal your property""Small-business owner fights to reclaim money stolen by Feds""Who stole $2.5 billion from Americans? The answer might shock you""North Carolina store owner targeted in IRS civil forfeiture case is getting his money back""Lawmakers attempt dual check on federal power""A map that grades each state's asset forfeiture laws""Civil forfeiture shouldn't be this funny""In double win New Mexico civil forfeiture ban inhibits failed war on drugs""Rand Paul offers legislation to keep government from stealing innocent citizens' property""Minnesota ends law enforcement's civil forfeiture money grab""New Mexico puts an end to civil forfeiture"
The post The Feds are making a fortune stealing private property appeared first on Personal Liberty®.
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Saturday, November 14, 2015
Friday, November 13, 2015
Thursday, November 12, 2015
A five-story vending machine for cars just opened in Nashville [feedly]
A five-story vending machine for cars just opened in Nashville
// The Verge
Buying a car is a hellish process. The reward for spending hours researching the right one is a trip to a local dealership — an experience that assaults the nerves in such a way that it's only rivaled by appointments with the dentist. But what if buying a car was easier than that? What if it was as easy as, say, a vending machine? A few years ago, a company called Carvana followed in the footsteps of companies like CarMax by trying to move the car buying experience completely online. The process of purchasing a car on Carvana's website includes all the steps that normally take place at a dealership: getting approved for and selecting financing, selecting a warranty, and signing the contract. It's a process that, in an interview with The Verge, Carvana CEO Ernie Garcia is quick to point out takes many Carvana customers 20 minutes or less.
This left customers with just one dealership interaction: choosing pickup or delivery. And Garcia says that, more often than not, Carvana customers were choosing pickup — so much so that a subsequent pickup store in Atlanta was a rousing success. Now, though, Carvana is adding some spice to the that experience.
It's coin-operated, of course
"We knew that if [customers] chose to pick up the car we would save some money, and so we could invest that money in giving them a really, really great experience," Garcia says. The result? A five-story, fully-automatic vending machine building for cars just outside of Nashville, Tennessee. It's like the automated car delivery experience offered by Volkswagen in Germany, except this one is coin-operated.
"The experience itself is exactly a vending machine experience," Garcia says. "The customer even gets a customized, oversized coin that they drop into a slot." The coin triggers a robotic arm, which goes up and grabs the car that the customer purchased online. When the car comes down, it's transferred to another robot that drives the car down a hallway and parks it in a bay, where the customer receives their purchase. After that, Garcia says, customers can be walked through the features on their car, or even take it for a test drive.
In fact, Garcia says the funds aren't actually transferred until the customer takes the final receipt of the car and drives it off the lot. And even when that happens, Carvana offers a seven-day, "no questions asked" return policy. "We even proactively call them on the sixth day and remind them that their return policy is expiring to ensure that they're happy with the car," Garcia says. He calls the "test-to-own" period "way more useful to a consumer than four right turns around a dealership."
Watch your car moonwalk to you
The bet is that the Carvana vending machine will be expensive up front, but inexpensive going forward. By employing fewer staff, leasing less acreage, and carrying fewer cars, Carvana drastically lowers the overhead. It also allows them to sell cars for up to $2,000 less than most dealerships. Garcia's not sure sure whether the vending machine's customers will be local to Nashville or if they'll travel great distances for the experience — the company is offering $200 towards airfare and "white glove" service from the airport if they do — but he does sound confident that Carvana will eventually open up others around the country.
"I think it's going to be an incredible customer experience," Garcia says. "And I think if we've got the car that they're looking for, and we're selling it for $1,500 to $2,000 less, and we offer a purchase process that takes 20 minutes, and then you get to go to a vending machine and watch your car moonwalk to you? I think people are going to respond to that."
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Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Would you be shocked to learn what Obamacare is doing to state budgets? [feedly]
Would you be shocked to learn what Obamacare is doing to state budgets?
// Personal Liberty Digest™
Remember all those Republican governors who held out on joining Obamacare and expanding Medicaid? They claimed no amount of matching federal money could offset the immense state-level costs.
To no one's surprise, it's turning out they were right — more right than even they might have predicted.
Not only would Obamacare, even if it had followed its ideal-scenario sales pitch, have been too expensive for state revenues to offset; it's even worse now that the numbers aren't adding up. Obamacare's projected sign-up rate has gone way off script; and in the Medicaid-expanded states, the subsidized enrollments are crippling.
"New ObamaCare enrollees and costs have exceeded estimates and threaten to swamp budgets," a headline in The Wall Street Journal warns:
The AP says that California expected 800,000 new enrollees after the state's 2013 Medicaid expansion, but wound up with 2.3 million. Enrollment outstripped estimates in New Mexico by 44%, Oregon by 73%, and Washington state by more than 100%.
This has blown holes in state budgets. Illinois once projected that its Medicaid expansion would cost the state $573 million for 2017 through 2020. Yet 200,000 more people have enrolled than were expected, and the state has increased its estimated cost for covering each. The new price tag? About $2 billion, according to the Chicago Tribune.
Enrollment overruns in Kentucky forced officials to more than double the anticipated cost of the state's Medicaid expansion for 2017, the AP reports, to $74 million from $33 million. That figure could rise to $363 million a year by 2021.
In Rhode Island, where one-quarter of the state's population is now on Medicaid, the program consumes roughly 30% of all state spending, the Providence Journal reports. To plug this growing hole, Rhode Island has levied a 3.5% tax on insurance policies sold through the state's ObamaCare exchange.
Rhode Island approved a 2015 budget of $8.67 billion. How much did it spend on Medicaid in 2014? Nearly $2.5 billion. And that was with the federal government's help.
If you live in one of the holdout states, did your newspaper of record blast your governor for declining to sign on with Obamacare? Did you see editorial after editorial ignoring the fiscal crisis that Obamacare promises to state budgets, only to make moral judgments on how deeply your red-state governor hates the poor?
And now that the cat's out of the bag, is that same paper of record vindicating your governor's decision? The federal contribution to state Medicaid funding is a time-released product with an expiration date. And if states are having funding trouble now, when part of the money's still free, just wait until they're floating the entire bill on their own.
The post Would you be shocked to learn what Obamacare is doing to state budgets? appeared first on Personal Liberty®.
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Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Food for Freedom
This is the system we are planning on. I know a guy that shut his down because he could not give away the food overages. It occupied a building about 12x20. He was not trying to sell me on it. I was there to look at his solar system and noticed it and asked about it. He didn't even want to talk about it.
Monday, November 9, 2015
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Friday, November 6, 2015
Watch This Jetpack Do Strange Things Near Ellis Island [feedly]
Watch This Jetpack Do Strange Things Near Ellis Island
// Popular Science
JB-9 Jetpack In Flight
Jetpack Aviation
Most jetpacks aren't. The catchy term for personal flying devices includes ducted fans, rockets, engine-powered wing suits, and even hovercraft, but rarely does the device involved actually use jets. Perhaps aware of this incredibly misnamed category, jetpack makers Jetpack Aviation bill their JB-9 device as the "world's only jetpack." Here's what it looks like skirting the Statue of Liberty:
At their site, they describe themselves as Jetpack Purists, noting:
We believe a JetPack should be just that – a jet turbine powered backpack that is capable of vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL), is extremely light and small and can easily be carried around by the pilot. It should be powerful enough to lift the pilot quickly to thousands of feet above the ground but small enough to fit into the trunk of a car.
The company claims that the JB-9 offers a 10 minute endurance, a top speed over 10 0mph, and a maximum altitude of over 10,000 feet. The device also supposedly has its heritage from a long line of "jet belts," first built in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Here's a rocket belt tested for Popular Science in the 2000s:
The team of David Mayman and Nelson Tyler say that between them, they have 70 years of experience in jetpack design. After this design, they want to work on a four engine design, a virtual reality simulator to train jetpack pilots, and an automatically deploying parachute.
Watch it buzz Ellis Island below:
Video of World's only JetPack flies in New York
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Monday, November 2, 2015
100 year old film of Red Baron
> Subject: 100 year old film of Red Baron
>> The following is a very rare piece of film, 100 years old. It shows Baron Von Richthofen, doing an external prior to a mission, as well as his putting on a flying suit prior to flight in cold weather. If you look close you will notice Hermann Goering.The Baron was shot down on 21 April 1918 by Roy Brown of the Royal Navy Air Services, a prelude of the R.A.F.. The Aussies also claim that one of their machine gunners on the ground shot the Baron down. UK & Aussie Doctors, after the autopsy stated that the fatal bullet was shot from above.The author of this has been very involved as a Director of the Roy Brown Museum in Carleton Place, the home town of Roy. Many letters have been written over the past 3-4 years and finally Roy Brown was inducted into Canada's Aviation Hall of Fame on 4 June 2015…To think this film is almost 100 years old! If you're interested in history or aviation, you cannot miss this footage. It was just posted online, and I've never seen anything like it. It's from 1917, and it's an up-close and personal look at the most legendary combat pilot who ever lived, the infamous Red Baron, Manfred Von Richthofen. Watch the extremely rare, extremely old footage and re-live history. ULTRA-RARE footage of the most famous fighter pilot ever.